• 1:1 Rage Coaching

    What is your relationship to your Anger?


    Most likely you were taught it is one of the "wrong" or "negative" feelings, together with fear and sadness, you learned to repress it, pretend it is not there or get rid of it somehow, as if it was a design error of your humanness.


    The energy of Anger, like a seed sprouting or a volcano erupting, is a neutral source of information for your life.


    My job is to be a space where you can get in touch with it, feel it, and become Conscious of it, transforming it into a resource to Create the Now, the life and the Culture that you want to live in.


    Contact me to schedule a session at +91 9043123316 (whatsapp or telegram)

    or write to me: anadiaztirado@gmail.com







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